The Universal Sports Rhythm

We hit Tel Aviv on the evening that the Maccabi basketball team won the Euroleague championship in Moscow. The city was filled with honking cars and revellers in Rabin Square. As you’ll see from the movie, beats are the universal language… [Click here for the QuickTime clip]

One Thing About Israel

The first music I heard in the holy city of Jerusalem was not a chorus of angels from on high, but the very familiar tones of our favorite earth angel, Amerie. “1 Thing” was pumping out of the radio in my room at the Mount Zion Hotel. (And Hashim, I thought of you). This bit […]

Meet My New Girlfriend

She dissed me in high school. Then, when I was in college, she changed her mind. She caught the vapors. But by then, I had found someone new. So I passed her by. I don’t regret it. But I always wondered how it would have been if I hadn’t. I met her again recently. We’d […]