I Smelled It Too.

Whatever it was, it can’t be good… that, along with the summer that lasted until mid-October and the winter that started one week later.

Happy New Year, Part Two

I am a Jew. And I am not a Jew. On one hand, I was born of two Jewish parents, each from families of Reformed Jews (read: less religion, more culture). And even though my Mother and Father had Anglo-Saxon names (Robert and Jane) and rarely attended synagogue, for some reason they gave me a […]

“Blowing Up The Spot With Mics, Not Their Bodies”

The seeds of Hip-hop have blown across the globe and sprouted in places where conditions are ripe: Oppression, disenfranchisment and untapped human potential. So it always makes me smile when the flowers of the rap diaspora return for the first time to hip-hop’s original soil. Last night, Palestinian Hip-Hop came home to New York. DAM […]

Happy New Year?

This item brought to my attention by ever vigilant media-watcher Reggie Dennis, who has been observing the mysterious dissapearance of certain prominent reporters and anchors during Rosh Hashanah: Shooting outside West Boca synagogue A 79-year-old man shot a fellow worshiper just outside a suburban Boca Raton synagogue Tuesday during an afternoon prayer service in observance […]

You Always Hurt The Ones You Love

“You bitch,” he said. I had just finished reading to my friend at Atlantic Records the review I had written about his group, Little Brother, in the Washington Post. “It’s a good review,” I said. “No, it isn’t. It’s negative.” “Are you kidding? I used the word ‘genius,’” I replied. “Yeah, but you ended negative. […]