Since I’m To Busy Graduating To Write About All This Post-Imus Stuff, Let Me Paint You A Picture…
Not That I Hold A Grudge Or Anything…
From The Man Who Brought You The Only Movie Worse Than Soul Plane
Alerted by the ever-vigilant Reggie Dennis to this today. Ladies and Gentlemen, John Ridley, young auteur, has taken Chris Rock’s famous-but-obviously-ironic comedy routine seriously, and added his own fascist, classist, bougie spin. And then he does something even more stunning: Ridley posits the week-or-so that W left Condi and Colin’s in charge of the Big […]
Pac, Me and Chi
Reviewed the new Tupac for the Post today. Another uncreative, depressing dead rapper rehash. At times, I can get a little mean in my reviews. Part of it, I think, is that when I do get some bandwidth in this crowded communications soup, I want my words to have some impact, even if it means […]
Are You Really That Surprised?
Very sad. But in a way, it makes perfect sense. Seeing Michael Richards have his racial meltdown in the Laugh Factory, and then make things worse on Letterman was, to me, a case of chickens coming home to roost. Don’t get me wrong: I love “Seinfeld,” adore Kramer’s character, and think that Michael Richards is […]