Good Intentions
The confluence of genius and psychopathy is all too common in hip-hop, the convergence of genius and altruism all too rare. Few rappers possess what Chuck D. had, try as they might. From today’s Washington Post.
America’s Two Destinies
Read my 9-11 post on
Hydrated Fo’ Life
Reviewed the new Fitty for the Washington Pizzy today. And got Milk some ink too. [youtube=]
The Torch Ratings — 2007 VMA Edition
Even if you hadn’t watched the VMAs Sunday night, you’ve heard about the fiasco. But there were some encouraging moments too. Torch ratings go from a scale of -5 to +5, with -5 being abysmal behavior and no f**king balls and +5 being completely courageous in making a sincere point on behalf of the hip-hop […]
Where hip-hop lives…
…on Monsieur Talib Kweli’s new album, Eardrum. From today’s Washington Post.